Baby! Where are you?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Filling in time

This is where the kitchen is going in the extension. I put the deposit down on the new kitchen on Friday and am feeling really excited about it now, even though it won't be ready until the end of November -ish. That big hole in the wall is for some bifold doors.

Here's how I have spent this weekend ( a mere 2 days of the 2ww). I know I look very tough here with the builder's overalls and the nail gun but the truth is I nearly fall off the scaffold if I use it! My job was to hold planks of facia board while Action Man nailed them. Then I did lots of painting. Since this photo was taken (Saturday) I have painted it all in light coffee. I had a great day helping A.M. I love pottering around outside and being his lacky! Then we have lunch together and sometimes someone drops by for a cuppa. I 'd really love to be at home all the time and not at work!

This is the inside and outside view of the lounge and dining section of the extension. It is all open plan, the kitchen is around the corner (it's an L shape). More bifold doors are going into this big hole.

As you can see there is still so much to do!

Update on the wait: yesterday I did not have sore boobs at all and freaked out but A.M reminded me that it's just the drugs that make my boobs sore and it's not a real indication of anything. Last night I woke up to really really sore boobs and some cramping. Today my boobs have remained sore. There has been no cramping but a there was a small spot of blood and lunch time (none since). Period is due tomorrow.

I think I might be going insane.


  • You look so handy.

    Hoping and wishing for tons of good news for you this week!

    By Blogger Kris, at 11:18 pm  

  • It looks like you and AM are verrrrrrrry busy at the moment with your renovations.

    Good vibes are coming your way.


    By Blogger Cathy, at 8:30 am  

  • I'm glad you have so much to keep you busy, though it doesn't seem to help much with the 2ww insanity (sadly). I hope the remaining days fly by for you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:16 am  

  • I'm jealous of your handiness! You kick some butt girl.

    Wishing you the best of all news.

    By Blogger Susan, at 5:33 am  

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