Thats just the way it is
Well the holidays are very nearly over. I went into work today as I had to go on an interview panel. Scary stuff. I've never done that before. It occurred to me how much of a difference your decision can make to a person's life. Too much responsibility for me!!
I threw some furniture around in my classroom (carefully though so as to protect Bruce) and put up some posters. I also undid all of the new boxes of art supplies, books, pens and pencils. I love doing this part because I love stationary!
The principal gave me a bottle of wine and a card for coming in in my holidays for the interview. I didn't really have a choice though as she rang me up one evening and said "you are on the panel for the AS2 position". Oh well, lets hope I cannot drink that wine for at least 9 months.
I also visited a friend who lives in the village where I teach and we had a lovely time lolling around and gasbagging. In reality I think I spent more time there than working at school!
Well, I think all will be fine if any of you choose to add me to your link list. The friend in question is very unlikely to lurk around other infertility sites as she is pregnant. After 2 months off the pil. Aaaah. Also another reason why I don't want her reading my blog. I get this feeling that she would be happy to read what I wrote but I know she is reluctant to talk to me. We are going through the 'can't talk to Betty phase because she might not be able to cope with my pregnancy'. God, I've had enough fertile friends to be quite used to that little phase...even though if I am perfectly honest the unfairness of me not getting pregnant hurts like hell. It's doubly unfair that they avoid me. So I am afflicted with both infertility and friends who avoid me! But I am tough enough to cope. If I wasn't tough and decided not to cope with pregnant friends then I would hardly have any friends left! They get over it eventually but I usually have to make the first move, and that sucks.
I wonder if I'm pregnant. That might be the 203rd time I've wondered that today!
I threw some furniture around in my classroom (carefully though so as to protect Bruce) and put up some posters. I also undid all of the new boxes of art supplies, books, pens and pencils. I love doing this part because I love stationary!
The principal gave me a bottle of wine and a card for coming in in my holidays for the interview. I didn't really have a choice though as she rang me up one evening and said "you are on the panel for the AS2 position". Oh well, lets hope I cannot drink that wine for at least 9 months.
I also visited a friend who lives in the village where I teach and we had a lovely time lolling around and gasbagging. In reality I think I spent more time there than working at school!
Well, I think all will be fine if any of you choose to add me to your link list. The friend in question is very unlikely to lurk around other infertility sites as she is pregnant. After 2 months off the pil. Aaaah. Also another reason why I don't want her reading my blog. I get this feeling that she would be happy to read what I wrote but I know she is reluctant to talk to me. We are going through the 'can't talk to Betty phase because she might not be able to cope with my pregnancy'. God, I've had enough fertile friends to be quite used to that little phase...even though if I am perfectly honest the unfairness of me not getting pregnant hurts like hell. It's doubly unfair that they avoid me. So I am afflicted with both infertility and friends who avoid me! But I am tough enough to cope. If I wasn't tough and decided not to cope with pregnant friends then I would hardly have any friends left! They get over it eventually but I usually have to make the first move, and that sucks.
I wonder if I'm pregnant. That might be the 203rd time I've wondered that today!
Glad I found your new blog.
I much prefer the new name. Much more positive.
Cathy, at 10:03 pm
I laughed with Cathy's post...but she is right! I can now picture you with a smile on your face and hope in your eyes.
I can totally relate to the concept that the "friend" might appreciate being noted in your previous blog. Scary how some people LOVE attention -- good or bad. Those people tend to be draining!
lucky #2, at 5:32 am
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